You knew this day was coming. Eventually we had to get to Superman 64. Flying around through rings, horrible time limits, battling Lex Luthor in an arena of his making. What can we say about this game that hasn’t already been said?
Listen in as Kyle Federline and Karrington Martin give it a shot as we look at this N64 classic. I promise, we actually have good things to say about it.
Learn such things as:
- What system missed out on having this in its library?
- How does Chris usually play these games, and does it make a difference?
- How can such a good cartoon turn into this?
- And much more!
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You can find Play Comics @playcomicscast on Twitter and in the Play Comics Podcast Fan Group on Facebook.
You can find Kyle and Karrington at Real Dudes Podcast or on the Real Dudes Podcast Patreon page. You can also find Kyle on Twitter @KyleFederline and Karrington on Twitter @Desertfury90.
A big thanks to everyone from FriGay the 13th as well as Toby McElroy from OptiPod for the wonderful promos today.
Music by Best Day, who still watches Tiny Toons. Which is fine, I do that too.