Destiny of an Emperor with Joey DiCarlo (So Wizard)

Play Comics
Play Comics
Destiny of an Emperor with Joey DiCarlo (So Wizard)

Digging back into the NES days with this one because I somehow missed it. Which in a weird way makes sense because I don’t think anybody that I knew back in the day would have known that Destiny of an Emperor was based on a manga. Or even what a manga was for that matter, but that’s a different issue.

Good thing we have Joey DiCarlo from So Wizard here to help take a look at this early NES RPG. Because we’re both old and can appreciate this one for what it is without wondering why it doesn’t have the sensibilities of a PS4 game.

Learn such things as:

  • Did anyone in the US know that there was a manga that this game was based on?
  • How hard is it to look at a manga when you can’t read it?
  • At what point will Chris refuse to list all of the playable characters?
  • And so much more!

You can find Joey on Twitter as part of So Wizard @sowizardpodcast, on YouTube @SoWizardPodcast, and of course So Wizard’s website.

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Play Comics is part of the Gonna Geek Network, which is a wonderful collection of geeky podcasts. Be sure to check out the other shows on Gonna Geek if you need more of a nerd fix.

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A big thanks to Avast as well as Invasion of the Remake for the promos today.

Intro/Outro Music by Best Day, who didn’t read this one either which makes me feel better.

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