I’m just going to let the comic pitch speak for itself here, because I can’t do any better: What if Conan the Barbarian was forced to reclass as a wizard? And if that doesn’t hook you then I have no idea what will.
You know who might though? Les Julien. Which is a good thing since he literally wrote the book. What book is that you might ask? Savage Wizard, which you can get on Kickstarter right now. And you should. So get on that.
Learn such things as:
- Why are sixth grade ideas so often shoved away like they’re bad or something?
- Is it possible to have too much of a good thing?
- How come I didn’t ask Les about his dog sooner?
- And so much more!
You can find Les on Twitter @LesWrite, Instagram @les_write, and his website Les Write.
If you want to be a guest on the show please check out the Be a A Guest on the Show page and let me know what you’re interested in.
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Play Comics is part of the Gonna Geek Network, which is a wonderful collection of geeky podcasts. Be sure to check out the other shows on Gonna Geek if you need more of a nerd fix.
You can find Play Comics @playcomicscast on Twitter and in the Play Comics Podcast Fan Group on Facebook.
Intro/Outro Music by Best Day, who says he knows how to use a sword, but definitely doesn’t.