Scout’s Honor with David Pepose

It’s a thing we’ve all seen before. Post apocalyptic worlds and the groups who rise to power in which to rule them. And it’s something I’ll never really get tired of because all that really means is that you have a fairly familiar stepping stone into a story that can truly go anywhere. That’s what we have here in Scout’s Honor (published by those AfterShock dudes who are trying to take all my money by doing silly things like printing good comics and getting creators who are cool people) and why I’m spending this episode talking to writer David Pepose.

Listen in as I talk to David about how this wonderful book came to be and what drives him to write the way he does.

Learn such things as:

  • What has us drawn to this type of dystopian story?
  • What significant fact did Chris miss while reading this one?
  • Why might I never buy Scout Popcorn every again?
  • What to tell your local comic ship if you want to preorder #2 (DEC201133) or #3 (JAN211049)
  • And so much more!

You can find David on Twitter @Peposed, Instagram @Peposed, on Facebook @ David Pepose Comics, his newsletter Pep Talks, and his website

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Play Comics is part of the Gonna Geek Network, which is a wonderful collection of geeky podcasts. Be sure to check out the other shows on Gonna Geek if you need more of a nerd fix.

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Intro/Outro Music by Best Day, who might have been a Boy Scout. I don’t know, I wasn’t there.

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