The Mask with Karrington Martin (Real Dudes Podcast)

Did you know The Mask was a comic? Us either. But somehow Dark Horse got a movie made about a comic that totally slipped past my young knowledge.

But how well did the Jim Carey movie stick to the comics? Listen in as Karrington Martin from Real Dudes Podcast comes back to take a look at this movie tie in game that takes full advantage of Carey’s insanity.

Learn such things as:

  • How did Chris go so long without knowing this was a comic?
  • Did the movie do a good job sticking with it’s source material?
  • Does anything here actually make sense? No, really, like anything at all?
  • And much more!

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You can find Play Comics @playcomicscast on Twitter and in the Play Comics Podcast Fan Group on Facebook.

You can find Karrington at The Real Dudes Podcast and on Twitter @Desertfury90, or by checking out his previous appearances on the show.

Thanks to Mike Burton from Genuine Chit Chat for that sweet sweet intro drop.

A big thanks to In Poor Taste as well as Grawlix for the promos today.

Music by Best Day, who would probably share his chicken nuggets, but not the sauce.

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