You’ve got lots of manga titles. You’ve got lots of anime titles. And it always seems to be a manga coming first, then the anime coming after that. But why?
Listen in as Justin Williams from Super Tangent tries to discuss this with Chris. But tangents happen so there’s other stuff as well.
Learn such things as:
- Sometimes the simplest answer is probably right
- Can Chris and Justin ever stay on topic?
- How can you have an arcade without a fighting game?
- And so much more!
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Play Comics is part of the Gonna Geek Network, which is a wonderful collection of geeky podcasts. Be sure to check out the other shows on Gonna Geek if you need more of a nerd fix.
You can find Play Comics @playcomicscast on Twitter and in the Play Comics Podcast Fan Group on Facebook.
You can find Justin over mostly in the Nerds and Knowledge Facebook group, technically on Twitter @SuperProclivity but not really, or the official SuperTangent website.
Music by Best Day, who does thinks that Spongebob is an anime.